Hi Brides and Grooms!

Long read again but it’s very important!

One of the most frequent questions that I get asked after my brides and grooms have booked me as their wedding photographer is, “Do we really need a wedding videographer?”

I want to share my opinion on this with you. Again, it’s a long read but will help you make a very important decision. I have found that this is the number 1 regret after a couple’s wedding day.


Your wedding day is going to be one of the best days of your life. I don’t want any of my couples to have any regrets. Have a quick look through the top 10 regrets wedding couples have on their wedding day. Please avoid these problems!

I asked some of the best videographers in Ireland and one of my past brides for their answer to this big question –

Do we need a wedding videographer?

Here is what they had to say. I think it’s great to hear the answer from these different points of view:

  • The wedding photographer’s point of view.
  • The wedding videographer’s point of view.

Photographer’s Point of View

Wedding couples absolutely want a wedding photographer to capture the magical moments on their wedding day. That is never in question! But when it comes to the wedding videographer and as costs of the wedding begin to stack up, wedding couples question if they really need their wedding day filmed? Will we ever watch the video? Is this a cost that we can avoid?

As I’m planning my own wedding day I have thought about these exact questions a lot.

I remember a time when wedding day videos were super boring. It was almost impossible to convince anyone to watch the full two hours, until the very end. It was a snooze-fest!!!

Ok, you can still find a few very old-fashioned videographers but most wedding videographers in the business these days are very creative and produce excellent work.

Brides and Grooms and their single BIGGEST regret 1

Here are my top four reasons for having a wedding videographer:

  • A video is not only moving pictures but it also captures sound. Would you like to hear the speeches from your wedding day in years to come? What about revisiting a special conversation between your beloved parent or grandparent after they have passed away. Photographs will not capture those moments in the same way as video can.
  • Sometimes the wedding videographer can capture moments that the wedding photographer has missed.
  • You will watch your wedding day video after your wedding day and get to relive the moments as they happened. Seeing each scene unfold recreates those memories for you in a way that a photograph simply cannot. If you choose a wedding videographer whose style you like you will get years of enjoyment from your wedding video.
  • Wedding videographers are very nice guys! :)

Two’s Company… Three’s a Crowd
Would a Videographer Get in the Way?

It’s very important to know who you are booking and how they work. Are they good at working with the wedding photographer? Can they seamlessly blend into the background?

Wedding Photographer DKPHOTO

I always recommend having your wedding photographer suggest a wedding videographer that he/she is used to working with.

But to summarise: If you have two people who work in the same way on your wedding day then there will be no problem at all. There will be a smooth flow to the wedding photoshoot and the two professions can complement one another. In fact, a talented videographer can even help your wedding photographer!

What if the Couple are Camera-shy?

The majority of the wedding videographers that I work with are not IN YOUR FACE with the camera and avoid the CHEESE factor that can make people feel uncomfortable.

I know what a torture it can be to have someone constantly asking for big smiles to the camera and to do funny or unnatural poses :)

The wedding videographers that I work with respect your wedding day and they record YOUR WEDDING DAY. They are not interested in creating their own vision of your wedding day.

In fact, if one of my wedding couples confides in me that they are camera shy, I can give them a 100% guarantee that the wedding videographer that I recommend will not be an issue! – ( have more than 50 names to fit all budgets)

In my experience, when the wedding photographer and wedding videographer are working smoothly together, it helps the couple in front of the camera to relax. Remember, we want you to enjoy your photo shoot and to have some fun. Before you know it, you will feel at ease and you might even find yourself striking a pose that Naomi Campbell would envy!

Costly Savings

As hard as it may be, don’t overthink your budget. A Wedding Video will last forever and it will capture your special day in a way that nothing else can – it will be worth every penny in a few years time! Especially, when your children want to watch your wedding day, or when your grandchildren want to see it on your Ruby Wedding Anniversary. For me, these memories and moments are priceless!


The biggest mistake that I see wedding couples making are when they book someone that does not have experience. They have left this booking to the last minute and are desperate to have ANYONE video their wedding day. Wedding videographers that have a strong reputation and trustworthy testimonials from wedding couples are already booked.

A lack of experience can cause a lot of problems during the wedding day for the wedding couple and the wedding photographer. I have outlined these problems in more detail here:

If you book a very good wedding photographer or a wedding photographer whose work and style you love, and then last minute, you decide that you want to book a wedding videographer that is cheap because you have little to no budget left…

STOP !!!

This cheap -( last minute ) booking can be very costly. An inexperienced wedding videographer can cause so many problems. Not only are you risking a poor quality wedding video, but you are also risking having your professional wedding photographer interrupted by an inexperienced videographer.

If your wedding videographer has no real experience and works completely differently to the way in which your professional and LOVED wedding photographer then you will never get 100% from the wedding photographer that you have booked.


The reason is very simple. An inexperienced wedding videographer will jeopardise the work of the wedding photographer.

If your budget is tight for the wedding videographer please contact Your wedding photographer –  He/she can recommend someone who can be trusted to do a good job.

If you don’t use this approach you would be better off spending the money for extra champagne or on your honeymoon!!! :)